vSEC:CMS is able to support Credential Stock Management. Typically, the credentials are provided in a box from the credential provider. For the purposes of the description below we will use a simple example where a credential provider ships a box of credentials that contain 2 credentials along with a file listing the Card Serial Numbers (CSNs) of these credentials.
Configure Credential Stock Management
It is possible to manage how credentials are allowed to be registered and managed with vSEC:CMS based on the CSN as delivered from the credential provider. Typically, the credential provider can provide a list of the CSNs delivered to an end customer. Then this list of CSNs can be used to manage and control what cards are allowed to be registered and managed.
For example, Company XYZ orders 500 credentials from a credential provider. The credential provider delivers the order along with a list of the corresponding CSNs. Company XYZ wants to ensure that only credentials with the CSNs provided in the list are allowed to be registered and issued in their organization. Using the vSEC:CMS, it is possible to ensure that this requirement is met.
Enable Credential Stock Management Support
1. From the file menu select File - Program Settings.
2. Enable the Enable smart card stock management check box.
3. Click the Configure locations button to add locations where the particular box of credentials is shipped to. This can be useful if it is required to keep track of where a particular box of cards was shipped to for auditing and traceability purposes. In the Location field enter the name of the location required and click Add. If it is required to delete an entry just select and click Delete. If it is required to change the name of the location, select an entry and change the name and click the Update button. Click Ok to save and close.
Adding the Stock File
1. It will be necessary to import the list of CSNs as provided by the credential provider. From Repository - Smart Card Stock click the Add button.
2. Enter a name for the particular box of credentials that have been delivered. Enter a more descriptive comment if required. From the Location drop down list select the location that this record should be associated with.
3. Click the Load from file button and browse to the location where the file which contains the list of CSNs exists.
The file should be a text file and the possible supported formats are:
Example 1 :
Example 2 :
Example 3 :
5633000100D75B1DFFFF,"Box 1"
563300010046A5C0FFFF,"Box 1"
Example 4 :
"Box 1",CB2C3C7036C0002CCB2C3C71
"Box 1",D2DD3C7033000059D2DD3C71
4. You should now have an entry in the Box drop down list. Select the entry in the drop-down list. The window will now update with a complete list of CSNs as provided by the credential provider as exist in the file just loaded.
5. By default, the cards will be locked as indicated by the Cards locked enabled check box. This means that if you attempt to register and manage any credential from this box the vSEC:CMS will not allow such operations. If the credentials are to be allowed to be registered and managed right away then uncheck the Cards locked check box.
Additional Information
From Repository - Smart Card Stock it will be possible to perform additional tasks from already loaded CSN files. For example, in the previous steps we imported a file of CSNs. These loaded CSNs would appear here as a table.
Select an entry in the table and click the Trans. log(s) button to view transaction logs for the particular entry selected in the table.
Select an entry in the table and click the Unlock button to unlock the CSNs for the entry selected. This will open a configuration dialog.
Enable the Unlock all cards from selected box if it is required to unlock all CSNs in the loaded CSN file added. Enable the Unlock all cards with following serial numbers and click the Load from file button to select a file that contains all of the CSNs that you wish to unlock.
In order to use this feature, it will be necessary to enable this in any credential template in which it is to be used. For any card template, it will be necessary to enable the Only issue cards from smart card stock in the Issue Card section of the credential template in the General Options section.