Thales Safenet Driver for eToken Management

Anthony - Versasec Support
Anthony - Versasec Support
  • Updated


From version 5.7 it is possible to manage the lifecycle of Thales eTokens. In order to be able to manage these tokens it is necessary to have the correct drivers installed on any host where you will manage these tokens. The driver MSI package need to include both the minidriver and PKCS#12 library as both of these interfaces are used to manage these tokens.

This article will describe how you should configure this.

This would normally be done by Thales or a Thales partner. It is not the responsibility of Versasec to create this MSI package as this is a software package owned by Thales. This is just a guide to assist with how to create such a package.

SAC Customization Tool

You will need to use the SAC Customization tool to create the MSI package that will then be installed on your hosts where you use/manage the eTokens from.

1. Run the SACCustomizationTool.exe.

2. Select Features to Install and from Profiles select SafeNet Minidriver.

3. Enable ALL of the settings below

Then select Actions - Generate MSI and generate MSI.

4. On the client host run the MSI to install.

If you have previous versions of the drivers installed it will be necessary to uninstall these first from Programs and Features in Control Panel. You should make sure that the drivers do get removed properly therefore it is important to reboot between uninstall and install of new MSI.

Validate Driver Installation

You can validate that the drivers have been installed correctly and are functional by opening the vSEC:CMS console and from Actions - Smart Card Information attach an eToken that you wish to manage. You should see something similar to below. Click the eTokenCard/JC1.0 for Minidriver

You should see something similar to below:

Click the SafeNet Token JC for Cryptoki

You should see something similar to below: