Configure Credential Template for Selection

Duy Nguyen - Versasec
Duy Nguyen - Versasec
  • Updated


From version 6.9.1 it is possible to configure vSEC:CMS whereby only specific credential templates will be available to a user when performing self-service issuance. Tags and GPO will be used to determine what credential template(s) will be available for a user.


The first step is to enable this feature. From File - Program Settings enable Enable card template tags. Click the Configure Card Template Tags button.

Lets say you have 2 sets of users, 1 set of users are in Europe and the other set of users are in Asia. You only want specific templates shown to users depending on where they are located. Enter a name to add the tag that will be used in the template later on. Click Ok to save and close.


Presuming that you already have templates configured from Templates - Card Templates select a template that you want the Europe based users to only see. In the General section you will see a Tag(s) section. Click the Configure button and add the tag to the Selected pane and click Ok and save the changes to the template.


Do the same for the other template that only the Asia users should see.

The final piece of the configuration is to setup GPOs for this. See the article titled Configure Windows GPO and look in the section Configure GPO for vSEC:CMS User Application under User Configuration. In this section you will see how you can configure this in the section Card Template Tag Filtering.