Before beginning this article, it is necessary that you have successfully completed the article Install and Configure vSEC:CMS on First Use.
From version 5.2 of the vSEC:CMS it is possible to configure notifications in the form of email to be sent to the user’s manager when a card is initiated. For example, there may be a scenario whereby it is required to send the auto generated PIN to a user’s manager when the smart card token is auto initiated. Follow the instructions in this article to configure such a use-case.
Step 1 – Configure Variables
It will be necessary to create two variables that will be mapped to AD attributes. One variable will map to the user’s manager DN that should be present in AD and the other variable will map to the managers email attribute in AD.
For the first variable navigate to Options – Variables and click the Add button. From the drop down list select Directory (DN:User). For Variable name enter a name for the variable, for example, ManagersDN. For Label enter a label that will appear in other dialogs where this variable is referenced. For Description enter an appropriate description. Click Ok to save and close.
For the second variable navigate to Options – Variables and click the Add button. From the drop down list select Directory (DN:Variable). For Variable name enter a name for the variable, for example, ManagersEmail. For Label enter a label that will appear in other dialogs where this variable is referenced. For Description enter an appropriate description. For Variable which contains user DN enter the variable name create in the previous step, in this example here it would be ManagersDN. Click Ok to save and close.
Step 2 – Map Variables to AD Attributes
It will now be necessary to map the variables created in the previous steps to AD attributes.
From Templates – Card Templates select an already created card template and click Edit. Under Issue card click the Edit link. Click the first Manage button and with the AD connection template auto selected click the Edit button. Then from the next dialog click the Edit button. You will see a list of variables.
Select the first variable created in Step 1. Presuming that the manager’s DN exists in the attribute name manager enter the value manager in that case into the field Variable value. Then select the second variable created in Step 1. Presuming that the manager’s emal exists in the attribute name mail enter the value mail in that case into the field Variable value.
Click Ok to save and close the settings and dialog.
You will now be in the dialog ID Assign. It is possible to test the configuration from here. Click the Get ID button and select a user from AD. Click the Edit button and from the new dialog click the Test button. If everything is configured correctly then you should see the expected values from AD for the variables created.
You can now use the variables as required, for example, they could be used in email template for data export. See the articles on data export on how to configure email as data export.