Photo Capture

Anthony - Versasec Support
Anthony - Versasec Support
  • Updated

In order to configure photo capture and then use this feature during smart card issuance, follow the instructions in this article. 

Version 4.0 of .NET Framework needs to be installed on the server where vSEC:CMS is installed.
For the vSEC:CMS it is required to have the photo capturing device available from the server where the vSEC:CMS 6is installed. Many applications are available that allow the sharing of a locally connected USB photo capturing device to Windows servers. The device drivers will need to be installed (and supported) on the server.
For photo capture, web cams, scanner and photo cameras can be used. For scanners and photo cameras the WIA driver should be enabled on the system. For web cams MS DirectShow is required which is included in .NET Framework 4.0.

Browse to Options - Connections and click the Configure button. Make sure that Photo Capture is in the Selected window, if not add it and click Ok. Then click the Photo Capture option to open up a configuration dialog.

To add a device, click the Add device button and select the device to connect.

Enter a name for the device when prompted and click Add.

The device will now be available under devices from the main dialog.

To configure the photo preview window right click the device added in the previous step and select Properties. Select from the available resolutions and click OK. This preview window will be the size of the window that the photo will be displayed in.

To configure the actual rectangle area that the photo captured will be saved in from within the preview window click the Settings button.

For example, the preview window is set to 320 x 240 and if it is required that the captured photo should be same size of the preview window then set the value as 320 px for width and 240 px for height.

Configure the format that the image will be saved as from the available types.

Click the Fetch button to take a sample photo and click capture. Click Save button to save the image for review.

In order to enable actual photo capture during smart card issuance, from Templates - Card Templates either add a new template or edit an existing template. Click the Edit link beside Issue Card and enable Capture photo.

Click the Configure button and select either Capture always if it is always required to capture a photo during card issuance or select the Capture only if no photo is available if it is required to capture a photo if no photo is available.

Select the variable ${PictureCms} that the photo will be associated with from the drop-down list. This variable is associated the user's DN, configured from the Options - Variables page.

Enable the Save photo checkbox if the captured photo is to be saved to the local file system. For the vSEC:CMSthe photo will be saved to C:\Program Files (x86)\Versasec\vSEC_CMS\vSEC:CMS\cms_db\data if the vSEC:CMS was installed to default location.

During the card issuance after selecting the user that is to be issued with a smart card the photo capture dialog will appear. Select the device and click the Fetch button. The preview window will appear and now the photo of the user can be taken. Click the Capture button. If the quality is not as required click the Fetch button again to take another photo. Once satisfied that the photo quality is correct click the Save and Exit button on the bottom right of the dialog to continue the issuance process.